You can continue to pick up (and turn in) reading logs until August 31st. Log time spent reading on behalf of a worthy community organization. ANY type of reading and ANY format counts!
- reading to children/family-time reading
- reading online
- audiobooks
- magazines
- graphic novels
- homework/studying
- pleasure reading
- professional development reading
Log time on your bookmark log and when you turn it in you can vote between the three organizations listed below. The cause with the highest number of hours at the end of the summer will receive a $250 donation made by the Friends of West Slope Library at the end of the Summer.
West Slope Read for a Cause tracking bookmark

Community Warehouse is a local furniture bank that has served our area for over 15 years and connects essential furnishings to neighbors in need through unique community partnerships, creating stronger home foundations and brighter futures for all. A community warehouse in Tualatin serves the west side of the Portland metro area and keeps gently used household goods out of the landfill and helping our community members most in need. Learn more at

Start Making a Reader Today (SMART) engages community volunteers to read one-on-one with PreK through third-grade children who need reading support. Participating children also receive new books each month to keep and read with their families. SMART’s vision is of an Oregon where every child can read and is empowered to succeed. In the Portland metro area, SMART serves 90 sites and 25 of them are in Washington County. Learn more at

The State Library of Oregon’s Talking Book and Braille Library is available at no cost for any Oregonian with a print disability, which includes visual, physical, and reading impairments. Though physically located in Salem, the library loans Braille, audiobooks and magazines to eligible readers across the entire state. All lending is done free through the mail or via download. Donations broaden the choices available and are used for things like recording local interest books by Oregon authors or providing access to audio newspaper service. Learn more at
The recipient of the donation from Read For A Cause and the winners of the Adult Summer Reading Challenge prize drawing will be announced at the Adult Summer Reading After Hours Finale Event on Friday, September 6 at 4-6pm.