Want to learn how to code in a free and safe environment? Try Scratch!

I made this! It’s an adorable octopus wandering around the forest asking, “Where am I?” See her tentacles raised in the IDK 🤷♀️position?

Want to go on your own adventure? Teens (ages 13-18) can take a journey through the Blighted Sands in our 5 week Dungeons and Dragons adventure hosted via Zoom by professional Dungeon Master Dana on Thursdays July 2 -30 from 1:00-2:00 pm.
Are you joining the Do-It-Yourself trend? Let’s share our favorite How-to, DIY, Self-Help or Fix-it books at our Book Chat for adults on Monday, July 13 from 6:00-7:00 pm. You can also learn about the library’s Read 10 Books in 2020 Challenge. And if that date and time don’t work for you, join us on Wednesday, July 22 from 2:00-3:00 pm.