Need a consistently agreeable companion? Kids use stuff from around the house to make your own Bobblehead with Jeremie from Artzooka on Kanopy. Will it be fun? We are nodding yes!

The Getty Museum and the Rijksmuseum challenged people in quarantine to recreate works of art with objects found in your home. Teens, we challenge you to recreate your own masterpiece! Want an even greater art challenge? Create a self-portrait with found objects. Share your creations with us #WSLSummerReading20

Join our book chat for adults on Monday, June 15 from 6-7 pm. Learn about the library’s new Read 10 Books in 2020 Challenge and share your favorite books about someone you admire (challenge #2). (Evening won’t work for you? Don’t worry—we have an afternoon option on Wednesday, June 24).

Get creative this summer with our Watercolor Basics series. Artist and educator Jess Graff will teach the foundations of composition, illustration, and water media. The first class is Wednesday, June 17 from 2-3pm.

Summer Reading for Adults includes a weekly email newsletter with book recommendations and fun, engaging content. To receive the newsletter in your inbox register for the Adult Summer Reading program on the WCCLS website.