Let’s get creative! Learn about paintings and the painters who paint them. Then, come to the library to pick up a free set of paints and make your own masterpiece! Share your creations #wslsummerreading. You can also learn how Paint is made on the show Making Stuff on Kanopy or watch The Day Henry Met…a Canvas on Kanopy.
Summer is the perfect time for U-Picking! That’s what we call our Teen Book Club because we choose the theme, and you choose the book and share it with the group. This month’s theme is Teen Romance! Want a suggestion? Check out this list of free Teen Romance ebooks available in our digital library. Or place holds on this list of physical books. On Thursday, July 23 from 1:00-2:00 pm (click the link to sign up and receive the Zoom link and password).

Prefer a little danger? Teens (ages 13-18) can join our Dungeons and Dragons adventure hosted via Zoom by professional Dungeon Master Dana on Thursdays July 2 -30 from 1:00-2:00pm.

Did you miss our DIY discussion on July 13th? Good news! You can share your favorite How-to, Self-Help, or Fix-it Book Chat on Wednesday , July 22 from 2:00-3:00 pm. You can also learn about the library’s new Read 10 Books in 2020 Challenge. Take The Challenge!